VIII Conference

Diagnostics of processes and systems

DPS 2007

Słubice, POLAND, September 10-12, 2007

wersja polska

Conference location

Collegium Polonicum in Słubice was founded in order to intensify and to give a new dimension to international cooperation among the partner universities, which include the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the Viadrina European University in Frankfurt-upon-Odra.

The Adam Mickiewicz University has made a considerable effort to build the teaching and research centre in Słubice, whose total area is 21 thousand square metres. Additionally, a complex of student hostels with 1000 vacancies was built. The Viadrina University, revitalized after almost a 200-year break under a new name the Viadrina European University in Frankfurt-upon-Odra, was opened in 1991 for almost 3000 students, including 1000 Polish students. Additionally, efforts have been made to co-fund the salaries of the academic teachers employed at Collegium Polonicum and to provide a connection with the modern telecommunications and information network existing in the area of Germany and Western Europe.

Collegium Polonicum Main Building

The form of the university buildings was shaped in the course of time resulting in a functional split of the area into the central square or courtyard and a complex of surrounding buildings. This idea motivated Tomasz Durniewicz, an architect from Poznań, who concentrated close buildings, characterised by a functional and logical division of the area, around two internal courtyards. The style of the buildings reflects the modernity of the university, while their free composition corresponds to the open character of modern research institutions. A few functional room complexes can be distinguished in the project, which are located according to their own utilitarian connections. Access to Collegium Polonicum leads through a square which is situated at the front of the border bridge, spatially connected with the main courtyard. The square, with the stairs playing the role of a stand, can be used for organising various events.

© 2006 Institute of Control & Computation Engineering - D&C Tomasz Hebisz